국제영어대학원대학교 로고

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교육과정(야간) 안내

교육과정(온.오프라인 블렌디드 야간)특징

  • 실시간 화상수업으로 전국 어디서나 수강 가능
  • 전 과목 영어수업 및 영작문 수업
  • TESOL과 영어교재개발 관련 수업 수강(복수전공 가능)
  • 원격수업 보완을 위한 현장수업
  • 직장인을 위해 최적화된 교육과정 운영


영어교육융합학과 야간 교육과정 상세 테이블
학기 연번 과목명 학점 구분
1. 봄 1 영어학습과 교수의 원리 3 공통전공
2 어린이 영어지도 3 TESOL 전공
3 AI기반 언어교육 개관 3 교재개발 전공
4 Genre Writing 3 스킬
2. 가을 5 읽기 및 쓰기지도 3 공통전공
6 듣기 및 말하기 지도 3 공통전공
7 크리에이티브 드라마 3 TESOL전공
8 AI 기초 프로그래밍 3 TESOL & 교재개발 전공
9 ELT교재개론 3 교재개발 전공
3. 봄 10 AI 디지털콘텐츠교수법 3 공통전공
11 프로세스 드라마 3 TESOL전공
12 AI 기반 기초 통계 3 TESOL & 교재개발 전공
13 ELT 교육과정 디자인 3 교재개발 전공
4. 가을 14 게임기반 영어교육 3 공통전공
15 Language Awareness 3 공통전공
16 논문/작품 연구 1 1 공통 전공
17 영어지도 실습 3 TESOL 전공
18 AI 활용 언어평가 3 교재개발 전공
19 AI 융합 교육 디자인 3 교재개발 전공

※ 개설과목은 학기에 따라 조정될 수 있음.


1. 어린이영어지도 [Teaching Young Learners]

Regularly described as both rewarding and challenging, teaching languages to young learners requires a set of skills most people simply do not have. Young learners are still developing socially, emotionally, and cognitively, and may not have chosen to be in the language classroom but they very often bring tremendous energy, goodwill, and curiosity to their studies. This course aims to support teachers as they harness that positivity and channel youthful energies into the acquisition of English as an additional language. This practical course will provide both new and experienced teachers with opportunities to manifest teaching theory in classroom practice, and refresh established routines with new techniques.

2. 크리에이티브 드라마 [Creative Drama]

This course is constructed to guide EFL teachers to gain practical as well as theoretical knowledge in drama in education. Among diverse drama methods, it mainly introduces creative dramatics, which has been continuously examined as a medium of language learning. Throughout the course, participants will be given the opportunity to develop drama skills in order to conduct the actual classroom. While mastering practical techniques such as mime, movement, guided imagination, and improvisation, the impact of drama in EFL children’s classrooms will be explored and discussed. In particular, it will significantly pay attention to the benefit and the possibility of creative drama for young EFL learners. 

3. 프로세스 드라마 [Process Drama]

Process Drama is a process-driven educational drama that works without scripts, and is an effective way to develop students’ creativity, empathy, and critical thinking skills. This unit will show how to play process drama and how to instruct it. Based on this learning experience, students will design their own process drama, and will be instructed by peer teaching with rich feedback from professors and colleagues.

4. 데이터 코딩을 활용한 연구방법론 [Research Methods Using Data Coding]

This course introduces students to research methods in applied linguistics including the application of artificial intelligence to language learning. This course covers the procedures necessary for quantitative and qualitative research in applied linguistics and reads examples from journals in applied linguistics. The main goal of this course is to prepare students to be able to conduct their own research studies. Students will also learn basic mathematics and statistical techniques needed to understand how artificial intelligence for language learning works.

5. AI를 활용한 언어평가 [Language Assessment Using AI] (3 hrs)

The goal of this course is to help students build expertise in language assessment. Students will learn the basic theory of language assessment needed to design and analyze language tests. The statistical techniques necessary to analyze language test data will also be covered in the course, and students will learn how to develop and evaluate multiple-choice items, as well as performance assessment items (such as speaking and writing). This course will discuss ways to produce computer-adaptive language tests using artificial intelligence technologies.

6. 영어지도 실습 [Practical Teaching Methodology]

This course will focus on the principles of effective classroom practice in the teaching of foreign languages and give learners hands-on teaching practice in the context of teaching English through English. In addition to looking at the four macro skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, this course will also examine the teaching of grammar, vocabulary, and phonology so that these activities are situated in teaching episodes in their proper place.

국제영어대학원대학교 로고
(우편번호 05407) 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 81길 89(성내동), 대표전화 : 02-6477-5114,
입시문의 TEL : 080-804-0505(수신자부담), academics@igse.ac.kr
Copyright International Graduate School of Language Education(IGSE), All Rights Reserved.
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