
한-베 전분통번역사. 커뮤니케이션 전문가를 양성하는 한베통번역전공 프로그램을 소개합니다.


The goal of the Department of Korean-Vietnamese Interpreting and Translation is to produce outstanding individuals that can play a pivotal role in economic, cultural and social exchange and development between Korea and Vietnam. With systematic training conducted by top-level faculty in the field, we train experts in Korean-Vietnamese interpretation and translation who have a solid command of Vietnamese language, understanding of Vietnamese society, economy, and culture, and ability to translate.

Program Objectives.

By the end of the program, students will have:

  • Excellent command of Vietnamese in various topics.
  • In-depth understanding of the Vietnamese society, economy, and culture to work as international communication specialists.
  • Professional interpreting and translation skills for international conferences and various business settings.
  • Excellent communication skills and professional interpreting & translation skills required to enter fields, such as the media, public sectors, diplomatic situations, education, or business.
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International Graduate School of Language Education, 17, Yangjae-daero 81-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea, 05408,
TEL : 82-2-6477-5114, Admission Contact TEL : 82-80-804-0505, academics@igse.ac.kr
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