IEQAS graduate school accredited by Korean Ministry of Education

2022.02.21조회수 2067


International Graduate School of English (IGSE) is an IEQAS graduate school accredited by Korean Ministry of Education. Korean Ministry of Education announced the enforcement of 'the International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS)' for Korean university programs to help support international students studying in Korea, and IGSE received IEQAS in 2022.



international graduate school of english logo
International Graduate School of Language Education, 17, Yangjae-daero 81-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea, 05408,
TEL : 82-2-6477-5114, Admission Contact TEL : 82-80-804-0505,
Copyright International Graduate School of Language Education(IGSE), All Rights Reserved.
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