
2010.10.27조회수 2989

The 6th IGSE Homecoming had been hosted at IGSE on October 10th at 2 pm.


Part 1 consisted of sharing of up-to-date information in English teaching through academic
presentations. IGSE EMD graduate, Soon Park, presented his work ‘
뇌과학과 영어 교수학습법’,
EMD students Seunghyun Lee, Hangyol Lim, Seohyun Hwang presented their work ‘A Study on
How English Books Are Used in Elementary Schools and Public Libraries’ and IGSE IVY
(IGSE Volunteers for Young Learners) club representative, ELT student, Minseok Choi presented
the club activities of IVY.


Part 2 consisted of recreational activities such as OX quiz, IVY bazaar, which were prepared
by the students.


Part 3 consisted of launching of the IGSE Alumni Council.


IGSE had a meaningful gathering and IGSE thanks all those who were able to participate.
The Homecoming video will be uploaded on the IGSE webpage.


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International Graduate School of Language Education, 17, Yangjae-daero 81-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea, 05408,
TEL : 82-2-6477-5114, Admission Contact TEL : 82-80-804-0505, academics@igse.ac.kr
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