IGSE students present at the Korea Association of Teachers of English(KATE)

2012.06.15조회수 2718

IGSE students present at 2012 KATE International Conference.  

Where : Sookmyung Women's University
When : July 6~7


Date : July 6
1) Jun Sang Park (ELT 9th wave)
Title : The effects of phone English instruction on
L2 speaking, listening, and change of affects and perception

2) Geun-Sook Yoon (ELT 9th wave)

Title : The underlying structure of listening comprehension strategies and its relationship to listening proficiency


3) Soo-Ryun Kim (ELT 9th wave)
Title : A comparative analysis of elementary English classroom characteristics in Korea and Japan: A case study


 July 7

4) Youngwoo Kim, Chorong Kwak, Sujin Bang(ELT 10th wave), Kyungmi Lee(EMD 10th wave)

Title : A study of primary school students taking ELT programs at social welfare centers



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