IGSE students presented at the ALAK international conference

2017.09.20조회수 46029

7 students of IGSE presented at the International Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea .

When: Sept 9 (Sat), 2017

Venue: Seoul National University of Education, Seoul, Korea

1. Seungmi Shin (ELT 15th wave)

   - The Development of Balanced Literacy Materials Using Source Culture for EFL Learners

2. Hunji Kim (ELT 15th wave)

   - Developing English Speaking Skill through Humanities - Related Speeches of Competent

3. Sun-Hwa Jeong (ELT 15th wave)
   - The Development of Phonemic Awareness Materials Using IPA Symbol for Beginning Level
      Adult English Learners in Korea

4. Kakyung Kang  (ELT 15th wave)

    - A Guided Reading Approach to High School Low-Achievers

5. Eun Kyung Lee (ELT 15th wave)

    - Teaching Culture with Drama Techniques

6. Su kyung Byun  (ELT 15th wave)

    - The Effects of Implicit and Explicit Grammar Instructions for Young Learners in EFL Class

7. In-seon Kim (EMD 15th wave)

    - Self-Efficacy Beyond Knowledge and Language Skills: Developing a Curriculum for EFL
      Secondary School Students Using TV Commercial



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