Invitation to Shakespeare's 'King Lear', an English readers' Theater

2022.12.15조회수 19991

 The Department of English Education at IGSE will hold a performance of Shakespeare's 'King Lear', an English readers' Theater.

Title: King Lear by Shakespeare
Date: December 22, 2022 (Thursday) 2:00 PM
Venue: Seminar room on the 4th floor of the International Graduate School of English Studies
Admission: Free (anyone interested in readers' theater can attend)

※ This performance is the final work of the drama and literacy class, which is an English education course using drama.



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International Graduate School of Language Education, 17, Yangjae-daero 81-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea, 05408,
TEL : 82-2-6477-5114, Admission Contact TEL : 82-80-804-0505,
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