2016.06.01 2936
Final Results for 2016 Admission
ELT Dept.
111001 | 111008 | 111016 | 111022 | 111028 | 111034 |
111002 | 111009 | 111017 | 111023 | 111029 | 111036 |
111003 | 111010 | 111018 | 111024 | 111030 | 111037 |
111005 | 111013 | 111019 | 111025 | 111031 | 111038 |
111006 | 111014 | 111020 | 111026 | 111032 | 111039 |
111007 | 111015 | 111021 | 111027 | 111033 | 111040 |
EMD Dept.
121001 | 121005 | 121009 | 121013 |
121002 | 121006 | 121010 | 121014 |
121003 | 121007 | 121011 | 121015 |
121004 | 121008 | 121012 | 121016 |
Phonics Scholarship Students
- ELT Dept: 111002, 111003, 111006
- EMD Dept: 121006, 121009
1. Registration period: June 8th(Wed) ~ 10th(Fri) 5:00pm
2. Registration procedure: payment of the registration fee by due date (Click here for payment information=> )
3. Registration fee: 1,060,000 KRW (non-refundable)
4. Payment method
1) Transfer the amount via visiting a bank, internet or phone banking to your virtual account number
☞ If the payment is not received or verified until June 10th 5:30pm, the admission will be cancelled.
5. Tuition fee & Orientation
1) Tuition fee payment period: June 30(Thu) ~ July 1(Fri)
2) New Student Orientation: July 28(Thu) 3:00pm
3) Course Registration: August 9(Tue) ~ 12(Fri)
6. If you want to cancel registration, please contact Office of Academic Affairs (02-6477-5142)