국제영어대학원대학교 로고

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Developing a Coursebook for EFL Tour Guides/Tourism Students
Developing a Coursebook for EFL Tour Guides/Tourism

Geunyong Baik (International Graduate School of English, Seoul) in Lecture
Theatre 2

at The MATSDA/University of Liverpool Conference: Authenticity and Materials
Development for Language Learning, June 2016


Positive reception towards the Korean Wave has caused a boom in Korea’s
tourism industry, hence, demand for guides in foreign languages especially
English has increased dramatically. The current education system trains students
to improve their receptive skills but limited attention has been given towards
developing productive skills.
This course book aimed towards closing this gap
and hence, focuses on communicative language teaching (CLT) and task-based
language learning (TBLT). Materials of various mediums included in this book are
not only authentic, they are also designed to capture Korean culture and travel
information as to tailor to the needs of those interested in this field.
Although customized to include materials related to tourism, this book would
also be an item of interest for the general public. This is because the skills
gained are applicable to a wider range of fields including daily conversation
with foreigners.
The presentation will be divided into three main parts. The
first focuses on the objective and need analysis of the research. It will then
be followed by the course book and its curriculum’s contribution towards the
development of Korean English tour guide. The final part will focus on sample
materials from the course book.



국제영어대학원대학교 로고
(우편번호 05407) 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 81길 89(성내동), 대표전화 : 02-6477-5114,
입시문의 TEL : 080-804-0505(수신자부담), academics@igse.ac.kr
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