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How to use the published book: teaching implications of SNS English Posting Style Book

How to use the published book: teaching implications of SNS English 
Posting Style Book

Hyeonju Park (International Graduate School of English, Seoul)

at The MATSDA/University of Liverpool Conference: Authenticity and Materials
Development for Language Learning, June 2016

Published Book Title: SNS English Posing Style Book

Mobile Assisted Language Leaning, MALL has been featured as 'portability,
social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, individuality, and
immediacy'. Mobile learning in SLA will be undoubtedly increasing, however,
there is not much of learning and teaching materials available at hand. SNS
English Posting Style Book was developed and published in Korean market in order
to meet the needs of Korean SNS users who want to communicate in English on SNS.
The book is designed for both self-access materials and classroom use, and the
book is carefully designed to enable learners to naturally learn the skills of
how to write English postings by using authentic language input. To enhance the
credibility of the published book, multiple methods were employed to collect
information about learners’ needs, teachers’ perceptions about learning
material, and classroom applications in the post-evaluation stage. The result of
post-evaluation has led the authors to develop teacher's guide to meet the needs
of learners and teachers. The findings from the process of developing materials
will be discussed in this presentation.



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